Issue No. 20: The Next Adventure
Photo credit: Courtney Ruckman
This is the twentieth issue of The Theisen Journal and to celebrate I am going to share some big career news!
I have resigned my position as tenured associate professor at Mars Hill University, leaving full-time academia in order to focus on my work as composer, performer, author, and private studio educator.
I have been so fortunate to teach music theory at the collegiate level for the past seventeen years: two as grad student at the University of Southern Mississippi, four as a doctoral student at Florida State University, one as visiting assistant professor at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, and the past decade at Mars Hill. This path has been rewarding and brought me into contact with students and colleagues who continue to enrich my world. However, a professional life dedicated to higher education consumes a massive amount of time and energy - plus usually requires a commitment to a single location.
With my fortieth birthday on the horizon, I realized that my desires were not in alignment with the above demands. Rather, I sought mobility and space to prioritize the incredible creative opportunities that have accumulated since my mission began a quarter century ago.
So what will I be doing? What’s next?
As composer: I will be completing commissions that have been on my desk for the past two years now, including chamber music, a musical, jazz charts, etude books for both saxophone and flute, and more. There are some significant projects with phenomenal soloists and large ensembles on my calendar that will keep me busy until January 2023! I am a lucky composer, for sure.
As performer: In addition to a new concerto being written for me (details still top-secret…) plus recording a few studio tracks as soloist, I will be channeling the bulk of my life as saxophonist into the exciting work Megan Ihnen and I are doing in MIATp. We have a ton of recordings, theatrical recitals, and more coming your way in 2021 and beyond!
As author: Oh my gosh I am loving The Theisen Journal and it will continue for a long time - soon with a Patreon and original videos. I want to write pedagogical works, a couple of books, program notes, essays, articles, etc.
As educator: I am not stepping away from teaching completely! Not by a long shot. I will have a small private studio of student composers, saxophonists, and music theorists plus continue to offer workshops, lectures, and master classes across the country. I am remaining open to the possibility of part-time university employment.
There is so much to do and even more to explore. Thank you all for being on this journey with me and for your constant support!
The great Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) sagely advises Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) on the show Parks and Recreation: “Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.”
My one thing is a life as independent comprehensive musician away from full-time academia.
For now, at least.